Name? Rachel Medich, was Adair.
Where do you live? Currently Carlisle.
Eye colour? Blue.
Hair colour? Blonde.
Height? 5ft 9ins.
What is your job? Trainee Operating Department Practitioner.
Right or left handed? Ambidextrous, but write mainly left.
Fave drink? Rum and diet coke.
Fave meal? Sounds strange but cod in parsley sauce and rice!
Fave ice-cream? Smartie ice cream!
Do you drink? Yes, trying to moderate it slightly now a days, don't fancy a pickled liver.
Do you swear? I'm afraid I have a poti-mouth yes, mainly on rallies.
Do you sing? No way! Unless I indulge in the aforementioned drink then I sound like Mariah Carey..... honest.
Do you like thunderstorms? I love them! If one happens in the middle of the night I have to get up and watch. We don't seem to get that many round Carlisle though.
Do you play an instrument? Didgeridoo.
Fave colour? I think it depends on what object the colour is on, I love objects that are bright and colourful, couldn't say an exact colour though.
Best place visited? I love the west coast of Scotland, particularly Mull and the atmosphere of rally week.
What place would you like to visit? Anywhere that you can see the northern lights, quiet, people free places for breaks, Maldives.
Fave song? I have many! Love is Noise by The Verve is one.
Fave band? Again I have a massive range, I love songs more than artists but obviously some more than others.
Best concert? Probably Kasabian at the Sands in Carlisle, it was intimate and they still put on an excellent show.
Fave film? Local Hero.
Fave car? Another question I can't answer. I absolutely love Mk2 Escorts but I also have a soft spot for the original Mini!
Cow or sheep? Heighlan Coo!!!
What makes you happy? I'm actually a very easy person to make happy, having nothing to worry about and things to look forward to make me very happy. Being as I always look forward to pay day you can imagine that things such as rallies and holidays make me very happy indeed! Being with friends, meeting new people and with my chap also make me happy, although don't tell him that or it may be used against me ;o)
What makes you sad? I don't tend to get sad, I look on the bright side of things. I have a silly lymph node thing that makes me very tired very quick if it's acting up but that doesn't make me sad, it annoys the hell out of me!
Cheesy chips? Only if I can have gravy with them.... mmm.
Favorite rally driver? To keep certain people sweet I better say: Barry Clark, Martin Lynch, Marcus Tinsley, Dave Edwards, Neil Mashiter and Pip Simpson..... But...... of the all time greats I'd have to say Marcus Gronholm because he was a genuinely lovely person when I met him and had an excellent sense of humour, he didn't think he was gods gift in any way, shape or form and was happy to lead a normal family life outside of rallying without behaving like a jumped up idiot.
Favorite rally co-driver? This is an easy one for me to answer, she's been a massive influence on me and helped me immensley almost from the time I started nearly 10 years ago, she runs a co-drivers school for novices at my motor club and puts a lot back into the sport through organisation and services to the club such as press releases - Katy Mashiter.
Competing or rescuing? I could never ever choose between the two! I enjoy both in equal measure. I have met so many life long friends through both sides that I could never stick to doing just one. It used to bother me, I lost my confidence in rallying due to seeing some awful accidents but I got the bug back pretty quick thanks to Martin and Neil. Sideways all the way!